Ingredients: Each vial contains:

    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine hydrochloride) 50 mg

    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride) 250 mg

    Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 5000 mcg

    Excipients: just enough

    Each tube of solvent contains: Sodium acetate 60 mg, benzylic alcohol, distilled water for injection just enough 5 ml

    Route of administration: Intramuscular injection.

    Indications: The drug is used in the following cases

    - Neuritis, polyneuritis

    - Chronic alcoholic polyneuropathy

    - Postocular optic neuritis due to drugs or toxins

    - Sciatica, pain due to rheumatism

    - Nerve pain, neck, arm.

    - Treatment and prevention of vitamin B deficiency.


    - Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug.

    - Vitamin B1 intolerance.

    - Malignant tumors.

    - People with allergic diseases.


    Do not take the drug with levodopa (because vitamin B6 reduces the effect of levodopa by activating the peripheral dopacarboxylase enzyme).

    Prolonged use of high doses of vitamin B6 (200 mg/day, over 30 days can cause pyridoxine dependence syndrome in infants).

    Effects on the ability to drive and operate machinery

    No impact

    Undesirable effects effects

    - Hypersensitivity: Itching, hives, erythema, shock.

    - Urine is red.

    - Excessive sweating, acute hypertension, difficulty breathing, irritation at the injection site.

    - In case of thiamine intolerance, the following symptoms will occur: Vomiting, cramps, skin reactions with itching.

    - These cases rarely occur, however if there is a reaction, the drug must be stopped and treated appropriately.

    Long-term use of pyridoxine at doses of 200 mg/day (over 2 months) can cause severe peripheral neuropathy, progressing from unsteady gait and numbness of the feet to numbness and clumsiness of the hands. This condition is reversible when the drug is stopped.

    Inform your doctor of any unwanted effects you encounter when using the drug.

    Dosage and usage

    Dosage depends on the clinical situation

    The usual dose is 1-2 vials/day, depending on the condition.

    In case of acute and severe illness, inject 1-2 vials/day. After the disease has improved or in case of mild diseases, inject 1 vial/time, inject 2-3 times a week.

    How to mix the solution

    Mix the solvent in the tube into the vial containing the lyophilized powder and shake thoroughly. After reconstitution, lyophilized powder must be completely dissolved and not clouded by insoluble substances. The resulting solution is transparent, pinkish red in color. It is necessary to visually check the color and particles of the mixed solution before use. The solution should be used immediately after reconstitution.

    Overdose: There have been no reports of drug overdose.

    Storage: Dry place, away from light, temperature below 30 degrees Celsius.

    Expiry date: 36 months from date of manufacture.

    Standard: TCCS

    Manufacturer: Euro Santé Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company

    Song Cung Industrial Site, Dong Thap Commune, Dan Phuong District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.

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